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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Amazing facts

Help is one of the most difficult things to get in the present day and age. All too often, people get stuck because they feel they do not know how to ask for help in their workplace. Inevitably, if you want to succeed in your career you will need the help of others. Getting help may have less to do with your authority and formal position. It is more to do with your strategy and approach, which can range from a simple favor to convincing others to accept a priority of yours as if it were their own. Read on to discover some of the most amazing facts on how to get anyone to help you.To enlist the help of others, you need to ask for help. Most people are more than willing to give you a hand provided you must ask for their help at the very first place. However, you must define what needs to be done before asking for help. The more you can identify specifically the help you need and the tasks to be done, the better. Remember, fuzzy goals lead to fuzzy results. By defining all the tasks required, you increase the likelihood of success. So, swallow your pride, and just ask! When you make a general request for volunteers perhaps during a meeting, never ever make it sounds like "Whoever doesn't have much of anything to do can work on this." Your chances of getting someone to volunteer thus tend to be slim. However, if you think about who might best be able to help with a task and then specifically ask that person for help, your odds of getting him or her to accept the task increase dramatically. For instance, "Max, I'm putting together a team to design a new product. Your expertise in marketing analysis for sure can help us to make the right decision. Can we count on you to join us?"The important thing to remember is to always say Thank You for their assistance. Thank and acknowledge others for their help. You may send a personal note of thanks or perhaps a nice personal e-mail thank you is certainly a great choice in this information age. The person will feel that his or her time and energy were appreciated. In addition, you will likely be able to call on the person again in the future for assistance. People are glad to help those who appreciate their efforts.Think about what your life would be like if nobody helps you at certain stage of your life when you need them? Your achievement will be limited if you limit yourself to only the things you can do without help from others. So, if you have a good idea in an area where you lack the necessary skills, knowledge or experiences, think it through and show others how they can help achieve the desired result. Ask, and you shall receive, the help you need to make your life a success!


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