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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Amazing Pictures You Must See

One of the best ways to learn photography is to look at other photographers pictures. Flickr is an amazing website with thousands of pictures available at the click of a button. What's even better is the availability of exif information on most photographs which means you can find out what Camera, Lens, aperture and shutter speed was used to take the picture.
We hand picked 50 amazing photos on Flickr. Most of the photographs on this page weren't taken by professional photographers, but by enthusiastic photographers like you and me. In fact, most of the pictures on flickr are taken by enthusiastic photographers, and it is a great tool both for learning and showing your pictures to thousands around the world.
To me, there are no rules in photography. Rules are meant to be broken and more often than not broken rules produce great photographs. All that matters is that you capture the moment in a way that draws a reaction. There is no formula to a great picture - when you take one you will know it.
Here are 50 pictures for you to draw inspiration from and learn from. Be inspired. Learn. Take pictures that make people go wow. Inspire others, and don't forget to enjoy the whole experience.


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